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Why African Abroad Date? from AfricanAbroadDate's blog

This is my story,

When I first moved to the U.S, I kept being asked the same question over and over; are you single? Do you have a fiance back home? Each time I would answer “yes” and “no”, the other person concerned would go on with comments such as “Too bad” “How are you going to do?” Can you tell your relatives to help you find a partner back home?” Of course I laughed, I thought it was funny till I realized that finding a husband, or a wife away from home ain’t no joke!

I did find one though... after few years. You could say I was lucky, graced, or favored. Whatever sits right with you.

But you and I can’t say the same of many of our brothers and sisters who have been here for several years and yet to find a soulmate. I am talking about good fellows, responsible, and hardworking. But maybe working too hard -to better their lives and that of their relatives back home- that they barely ever have time to socialize.

The heartbreaking thing is that several of our brothers/sisters in these situations live close proximity or maybe just a few miles away from each other, and would certainly be thrilled to meet and possibly build a lifetime relationship for a better future - it’s not good for Man to be alone. Remember?-

But how? How would they meet? If they work all the time? Besides, do you know anyone who would go from Houston to Dallas on a weekend with the intention to find a soulmate?

Hahaha... right? Who does that?

So, back to the question. How would they meet?

I may have been lucky, graced, or favored. But it’s that all? What about you? What about our single friends? 

Something had to be done, because no one has the right to be happy alone. A platform had to be created to make it easy to connect/get together within the comfort of our own home, thus!

The World is changing fast and if no one knows with certainty what the after COVID 19 will look like, we all can agree on one fact; technology is fast evolving and is here to stay, so let's take advantage of it! Welcome to our site and we hope you make good use of our advanced features to find what your heart desires... your soulmate!

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By AfricanAbroadDate
Added Jul 26 '2021, 7:51 PM


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