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Warnings Signs to Watch out for Dating

The African Diaspora is a term used to describe people of African descent who live outside of Africa. The diaspora includes people from many different ethnicities and cultures, including Angolan, Cameroonian, Congolese and Ethiopian.

The definition of dating is a relationship between two people who are romantically involved with each other but not married or otherwise formally committed to one another yet.

Dating can be fun! It's an opportunity to get to know someone new before deciding whether or not you want them in your life as something more than just friends or acquaintances--and it can also help you figure out what kind of partner might be right for you once marriage becomes an option later down the road (if ever). Dating can be a wonderful experience, but it can also leave you feeling confused and frustrated. One of the biggest challenges is that many people don't feel like they have any control over the outcome of their dating relationships--they simply find themselves in situations where one person wants more than the other does (or vice versa), or where they just don't feel good about themselves when they're with someone new.

If you're dating someone new, it can be exciting to think about what the future holds for you both. But before you start planning your wedding, remember that relationships take time. They are not always easy and they don't always end in marriage or even with a long-term commitment of any kind.

But where do you start? What should you talk about? How can you tell if the person you're dating is right for you? And, most importantly, how do you know when it's time to say "I love you"? The answer: By having fun but keeping your eyes open for warning signs. When you see them, pay attention! The biggest mistake you can make is thinking "it's ok, it will be different when were together longer" ... it will not. Here are some to look out for:

1. Don't talk about your exes. This is a big no-no for those who are new to the dating scene or who have recently ended a relationship. Your date will know if you're not over your ex already and it can make them feel uncomfortable or even jealous of this other person who clearly has such a strong hold on your heart and mind. If you're unsure if it's okay to bring up an old flame, just ask yourself: Would I want someone else talking about my past relationships?

2. Don't go on too many dates with the same person. If you're seeing someone regularly, it's easy to get comfortable and forget why you're going out with them in the first place: To have fun! If you've been dating someone for a while but aren't feeling any chemistry or connection, it's best to end things before they get stale.

3. Don't keep dating someone who doesn't treat you well. Sure, everyone has bad days where they don't feel like being nice to anyone—but if your partner is consistently disrespectful or mean towards you (or anyone else), that's not okay! If you're dating someone who treats you like this, it's best to end things before they get worse.

4. Don't date someone who doesn't want the same things as you. If one person wants kids and the other doesn't, or if one person thinks marriage is important while the other doesn't—that's a recipe for disaster! It's important to make sure that both people want the same things before getting serious. If you're dating someone who doesn't want what you do, it's best to end things now before they get worse.

5. Don't date someone who can't communicate well with you. If you're dating someone who can't communicate well with you, that's a big issue. If they don't seem interested in talking about things that are important to you (like your hopes and dreams), that's not okay! If you're dating someone who treats you like this, it's best to end things before they get worse.

6. Don't date someone who doesn't respect your boundaries. If you're dating someone and they don't respect your boundaries, that's a huge issue! If they don't care what you want or need (like in bed or outside of it), that's not okay! If you're dating someone who treats you like this, it's best to end things before they get worse.

7. Don't date someone who makes fun of your interests or hobbies. If you're dating someone who makes fun of your interests or hobbies, that's not okay! If they constantly make jokes about how weird your hobbies are and how no one else likes them either, that's not okay! If you're dating someone who treats you like this, it's best to end things before they get worse.

8. Don't date someone who doesn't treat their friends with respect.

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